Dear friends,
Many may share bemusement at the mood talk of 'green shoots of economic recovery' and wonder why if 'we're all in it together' we're not, the parties of power still pouring blame on past failings with little attention to those of the present.
Our calling in faith through Lent to Easter, is to look honestly at our own failings and in reforming the foundation of our lives allow the waters of blame to flow away. It is as that great Easter hymn has it ‘in the fields of our hearts' that the 'green blade riseth'.
Through Jesus’ own journey from His childhood presentation in the Temple (Candlemas) to His triumphal return entering again Jerusalem's Temple (Palm Sunday), the mood talk was all about forgiveness and reconciliation. Stories He told such as the Prodigal son - he whose Father has love for both the prodigal and the faithful son, the Lost Coin - joy at finding the lost, and the Good Samaritan - those hated and blamed who yet perform good works, enabled His followers to make new friendships and beginnings.
Our new beginning in faith this Easter will celebrate the resurrection with our 6am Dawn Eucharist (thanksgiving). Just as His birth saw the gathering of the faithful at the Midnight hour, so again we gather to celebrate the time of His rising again.
I do pray whatever new start you look for, you may find it early in this life's day, that all the more may share your rejoicing.
May Lent's reward bring Easter's joy.
Rev'd Brin Singleton