We have been offered powerful reminder of the strength we may find in that fraternity equality and liberty which bonds individuals together from disparate backgrounds to lift them from despair to hope, a greater ideal that no terror can conquer. Such was the hope that bought nations together in post-war vision to work for that union of ideals and shared values which rises above our destructive self-interests.
Often in our individual pursuits and passions we forget the value of our common belonging, that greater strength we find when serving a common ideal of shared values, and shared challenges, that all should have opportunity to live free from fear's oppression, held equal in fraternal belonging each to the other in sisterhood and brotherhood.
The Good News told in our Churches through February begins with the Presentation of the infant Christ in the Temple offering new hope to God's people, and ends with our own presentation as Ash Wednesday offers our own new beginning through the season of Lent (the original self-improvement course).
I hope I too may better present our Church to our villages over the next few months, that we may again hear the call of our common belonging each to the other, all of us God's children. The Church's role in offering company healing and hope in life is so often crowded out or forgotten amidst today's new-age market place of spiritualities. Your Church is not only here for the Sunday Worship, but also here to offer face to face God's free grace, wherever that may be asked of us.
The spiritual marketplace too often can be seen to exploit our need, our fear, our weakness only to diminish us. Yet our Church seeks to offer freely of God's grace to all who may call on us.
Blessing healing and prayer, is offered freely, blessings of homes or individuals, healing, company or spiritual counsel, just a call away, we are here to share both celebration and trial, that we may reconcile all life's challenges and live in hope, in that fullness of life which God purposes for all His children.
Yours in Christ
Rev'd Brin Singleton
- Your Rector welcomes calls for Home Communion, Home & Hospital Visiting, Healing & Prayer, Baptisms, Weddings & Bereavement Support.
- Your Church Family welcomes Questions of faith & Questioning faith, Community & Family support & Celebration.
- Your Parish Church welcomes your Prayer, Worship, & Friendship.
- Our Offering to Our Village Communities:- the Spirit's fellowship through God's love in Christ.
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