Dear friends,
New Year's Resolutions are by some keenly entered into, a new beginning, a fresh page, a chance to set goals on life. The Christian Faith, having celebrated God's new beginning in us in the story of Christ's birth, offers in January's stories of the visit of the Magi – Epiphany (God's light in Jesus shown to the World in the worship of the Wise Men), and Jesus' Baptism (God's Holy Spirit seen descending on Jesus as He rises from the waters of His Baptism), opportunity for the celebration of faith's new beginning in Baptism. In Baptism we are given that new start our New Year's resolutions speak of, though by our Baptism Christians may turn a new page in life each day of the year, every time we determine to correct, reform, or set things right in our lives God begins again in us as is the promise of our Baptism.
Indeed every Sunday in our Act of Worship, we by our confession of our failings before God, are given the assurance, as that of any loving parent when faced with their child's sorry plea, of our Heavenly Father's merciful embrace and in the company of His Son we are shown the path we may take toward fullness of life.
As many as have shared our Christmas story and more are most welcome to accompany us through our celebration of fullness of life in God's name Sunday by Sunday through this coming year. Don't keep the promise of a new start only for New Year's Day, remember God's New Year in us begins every time we come before Him, this grace is not just for Christmas or New Year but for life, fullness of life in Christ's life giving Spirit.
Happy New Year!
Rev'd Brin Singleton
News Letter Archive.
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