Our Diocese has just welcomed our new bishop of Dunwich, bishop Mike, to assist our diocesan bishop Martin. Bishop Mike's service of welcome and installation was a great occasion and included an intoxicating spiritual mix of hymnody and worship song, with organ, choir, soloist and orchestra. But the music of welcome wasn't confined to the arches of the cathedral, the bells rang out their joyful welcome for the whole of Bury St Edmunds to hear. Bishop Mike encouraged his flock to be bold in proclaiming their faith, to embrace spiritual entrepreneurism, to speak of the benefit, health and strength in serving other's needs, and gathering together to share our faith and praise our God.
So, taking up bishop Mike's call I'm setting out the benefit for health, socialising, and fun in sharing the welcome call to worship, that is the stimulating pursuit of bell-ringing! We have two ringing towers in regular use in our benefice, at St Margaret's Stradishall and St Margaret's Cowlinge. You don't have to have faith or be a regular worshiper, though having an open mind and willingness to use your instruction to celebrate Sunday worship and Christian Marriage is a good start. But let me borrow some further invitation from an excellent website http://www.bellringing.org/fitness/.
You've heard of workouts with dumbbells, now try church bells! Bells are the largest and loudest instrument in the world. But they are also the perfect way to get gentle physical exercise and increase active living for people who are looking for alternatives to conventional sport. Just like the practice of the Christian faith, it's better together!
What's even better is that bell ringing is open to everyone - young and old - and with any level of existing fitness. Whilst bells can weigh up to 4,500kg most are much lighter and are rung using mainly technique rather than strength. The movement of bell ringing often helps many people to stay active longer and increase agility.
- Professional trainers and health experts now recommend bell ringing to &elip;
- improve agility, co-ordination, and reaction times
- tone core abdominal muscles and glutes
- work biceps, quads and calves with minimal force
- develop muscle endurance
As well to enjoy the new friendships an active social life brings! Once you have learned the basic techniques you will always be made welcome when you visit any of the 5,000 other towers in the UK. A warm welcome awaits you at our two towers of Cowlinge and Stradishall, why not give our tower captain a call today:- David Wedgwood - please use the contact details in the footer of the page. (Practice nights mostly Stradishall Fridays 8-9pm, but check first with David.)
And very occasionally even I have a go, so do say hello sometime.
Every Blessing
Rev'd Brin Singleton
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