Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Interregnum - our roadmap to a new incumbent

Dear Reader

The Bansfield Benefice is now in interregnum. [Interregnum Definition: "An interval between the periods of office of two incumbents in a parish."]

The Bansfield Benefice which consists of the churches of Cowlinge, Denston, Lidgate, Ousden, Stansfield, Stradishall and Wickhambrook went into Interregnum on the 26th December 2017 when Rev'd Brin Singleton moved on to his next post at Haughley with Wetherden and Stowupland.

What does the interregnum mean for us here in the Bansfield benefice? We will continue to have regular services in the benefice and Occasional Offices (baptisms, weddings and funerals). We will lose the midweek service in the benefice and reduce to one Holy Communion service on a Sunday which will be held on rotation throughout the benefice churches at 10am. Services will be taken by visiting clergy resident in the Diocese or by clergy beyond under special license from the Bishop. The same will apply to Occasional Offices.

During interregnum all the services can be found as usual on the website under Services.

For anyone wanting to contact us with regard to a religious matter or Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals please see our contact page for details.

We will all be working hard during interregnum to make it as short as possible but the whole process will probably take between six and twelve months.

On behalf of the Bansfield Benefice. 

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